I believe we’re meant to design our own destiny. Here’s why…

Hey, my name’s Holly,

I’m a born and bred Londoner but a nature loving country girl at heart…

It’s a huge reason why I exchanged the rat race for the country lifestyle a few years back and now live in a small Somerset village most people have never heard of.

You see from day one you could say I’ve always looked for ways to buck the system and do things differently. I’ve never appreciated being bossed about because I believe we’re meant to design our own destiny.

So if you’ve been looking for a rebellious “anything’s possible” type space to relax and get inspired… then look no further. You’ve just found it.

I could tell you all about my successful career in hotel management and my love for travel and history etc. but that’s not the reason I’m here.

Who Am I?

The true story of who I am today began a few years back in 2015…

This was when I started asking questions such as “What’s the point? Why am I even here and what’s this thing we call life all about anyway?”

I was married, had a “wonderful” job and my own property in London but was totally frustrated and unfulfilled. My intuition had been nudging me for a long time to take action but I had no idea what to do or how to go about finding those much needed answers.

I’d been a fan of all things spiritual since a teenager but it was around this time that a whole new world opened up to me…

One which proved to me that we ARE the creators of our own reality

After a lot of worrying and procrastination I decided that enough was enough. I had a choice. I could spend the rest of my life simply “settling” or instead I could take back my power and become the woman I aspired to be.

So I made a commitment to myself that from then on it was going to be the latter… and in just under a year my whole life transformed in front of and around me.

Leaving my unfulfilling marriage, I sold up and relocated to the West Country where I found my idyllic safe haven and was guided towards my true purpose…

I launched my own blog, built a profitable coaching practice and got published on one of the best personal growth platforms there is, Tiny Buddha. I was also taken under the wing of a renowned Law of Attraction coach, Ed Lester, who I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating on several projects with since.

In short, I basically took a big scary leap of faith, opening my arms up to a brand new chapter, without any idea of the outcome. And you want to know what inspired me to push past my fears and just go for it?

Well, despite having a few anxious “OMG this is all too good to be true” wobbles, there was no effort or hard work involved. My only action was aligning with a force greater than myself and trusting it to take me exactly where I wanted to go.

Which it did, every single step of the way. All I had to do was stop blocking myself, relax and go with the flow.

And since then endless doors of opportunity from love and romance to business trips in New Zealand have revealed themselves to me.

Through surrender and faith, my life becomes more exciting as each day passes.

My eyes are permanently wide open to the unlimited magic and abundance that this Universe is on standby waiting to deliver each and every single one of us…

And how we all possess unique gifts and qualities that aid us in following our dreams so we can inspire others to do the same.

Because we weren’t put on this Earth to be miserable…

Fun, freedom, and personal power is your divine right

My promise to you

Having felt insecure and inadequate for almost 30 years I know there’s nothing worse than believing you’re not good enough.

Whether that be attracting a romantic partner who adores and respects you unconditionally. Or achieving financial stability so you’re free to write the rules and embark on any exciting adventure you choose.

Or maybe you’re wanting both… with plenty of fun, magic and mischief thrown in for good measure!

Well I’m here as living proof that what many would say is “fluffy stuff” is actually more than just a fantasy. It’s a way of life for me and countless others and it can be for you too.

But it’s up to you of course to make that choice.

And if you do decide to then I’m here to take you by the hand (like I already have for hundreds of people globally) and show you precisely how it’s done.

Plus, in an enjoyable way that doesn’t leave you stressed out thinking “I don’t have the time…there’s just not enough hours in the day!” or “I want things to change but I’m tired of trying – what am I doing wrong?”

Oh no, not anymore. My promise to you is that from now on, you’ll have everything you need to flow and keep those high vibes consistently coming your way.

I’ll be honest with you though. I’m human and I don’t have all the answers. I carry my own fears and insecurities just like everyone else. I have my frequent rants and “what the actual f**k?!” days with the best of them. I am not perfect.

Life’s twists and turns give me the tools I need to become even more refined at what I do to make the greatest difference in the lives of others. So I’m grateful for all those lows because it’s enabled me to excel at letting go of the BS and get things back on track and into alignment. Fast.

For myself, my clients and every one of my followers.

This is how we head towards the next big breakthrough with even more fire and focus.

That is my forte and in a very short space of time I know it can be for you too.

If you’ve read this far then I honour and thank you.

If you’re ready to get started now, go ahead and grab my “Money Magic Meditation” which shows you how to shift your relationship with work, time and money… so you can manifest your desires the fun and stress free-way.

I’m so happy we’ve connected and I hope this is the start of something very special together.

Remember your dreams and your vision are yours for a reason. You were born to create and manifest miracles.

I believe in you.

Love & Light,

Holly xx

PS: You can also connect with me directly on YouTube and Facebook. Join Think Tranquility’s ever growing community and let’s master manifesting together!


  • I love the “angle” you’ve taken on your information your putting out there…Being REAL


  • What an inspiring story!


  • Your story is inspiring and it seems that you are ready to help others in similar situations, which is awesome!


  • I love what you have to say about relationships. Still, at age 54, I still have difficulty with this one.


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